
Because vibrators are never one size fits all

If you’re not happy with the product you selected in the first 30 days, you can either receive full store credit to try a new product, or receive a refund with a small recycling fee. Just contact us within 30 days of your purchase to initiate the request.


Replacing your vibe when you need it most

Any products experiencing manufacturing defects within 1 year of purchase are covered by our warranty. We can repair the product, offer an exchange for a new product, or replace the defective unit at no charge.

Replacing your vibe when you need it most

Any products experiencing manufacturing defects within 1 year of purchase are covered by our warranty. We can repair the product,
offer an exchange for a new product, or
replace the defective unit at no charge.


We've got you, no matter what happens to your vibrator

Our Pleasure Guarantee covers all product issues within 5 years of initial purchase. We’ll cover 50% of the retail cost for a new replacement product.







Our Pleasure Guarantee applies to all products purchased through Crave.

Products purchased through authorized Crave retailers are covered by our 1 year warranty and 5 year coverage plan.